Saturday, June 03, 2017

Tribute to ESPN's "The Sports Reporters"

By Pedro Hazel, Jr. & Steve Ferguson - OTSL's Creators

Sunday, May 7th, was the last showing of "The Sports Reporters" on ESPN after nearly 30 years on the air.  

The show was originally hosted by current Orioles broadcaster Gary Thorne, but was graced by two great hosts: Dick Schapp and John Saunders. Schapp passed away in 2001 and Saunders last year. 

"The Sports Reporters" had a very special meaning for Steve and myself along with Jay Kaplan and former host Joel Mahan. "On The Sportslines" was created to be a cross between "The Sports Reporters" and "The Best Damn Sports Show Period", though we are more irreverent than "Reporters" but not as much as "Best Damn".

The very first show we did in 2001 featured Joel and Steve. I wasn't even on it as I was recovering from the flu. I hosted the second show and continued hosting "Sportslines" until the fall of 2006.  On several of the early shows I hosted I would sit second to right with the other hosts just like John Saunders and the panel on ESPN.  

It's unfortunate that a great show that was a Sunday staple for ESPN for nearly three decades has left the air.  We thought it was one of the most intelligent and well thought out shows ever done that aired on ESPN with the exception of "Pardon The Interruption". 

It's a very sad ending to such a great program, but Steve, myself and the rest of us at "On The Sportslines" will continue to keep the spirit of "The Sports Reporters" alive every time we do our show.

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