The news hit me hard. There will be no NFL lockout after all. The gluttonous pigs on both sides of the NFL labor discussions wised up. If you were wondering about the list of winners, it primarily consists of the tiny percentage of citizens who are NFL owners, NFL players, or bookmakers. Fans may think they won; and the overwhelming majority of football followers are happy that the games will go on.
However, all of us who are regular folk and do not get paid by the league actually lost. We lost the only way to exact a small portion of revenge. How do the fans lose? When we captive customers visit a stadium, we lose each time we pay $30 for the right to park our cars. I dare say that this is the price that should be close to what it costs to get in the venue! It is simply a deductive truth that the working man in America losses when he pays the sky high ticket prices and concession fees when he wants to see his team live.
New York fans will lose as we continue to support the greatest sports fiction of our era, that we actually have a New York team Downstate.
Superbowl fans lose when they are charged hundreds of dollars for the privilege of watching a game outside that monstrosity in Texas.
If the NFL continued to bicker, maybe even for one season, that would have been a terrific result. The biggest message we could have sent this Fall is: "We don’t need you. In fact, my life will be richer without you." Our lives would have been enriched by having extra time for our families and loved ones. We would have spent that special day of the week dedicated to much more important things than watching grown men chase the oblong ball for sickening salaries. We would have been a lot better off with a break from the madness.
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